200806 And then Beirut

[Image credit to Indian Express.]

And then Beirut blew up and all its grain spilled like sand around the ruined silos.

August 6, 75 years since USA dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima.

 A weird day yesterday. Still no solid ground to stand on. I was out early from 10 am til 12 at various stores, home at lunch, which I prepared and K and I ate. Then I was done and had a lie-down, fast asleep two "gone-a-long-way" hours. I rose and went through some things needed doing , then back to lie down: didn't  feel well, nothing too bad just heavy fatigue. Nine pm I looked back on the day. The morning of constant covid awareness, the needs of children and household tires one out. I couldn't prepare dinner, but nibbled leftovers from what Tam and Nick prepared.
   We have been in this for many months now and if the strain is getting to me then how much more are they suffering and burned out who have less space, less food, fewer healthy outlets for relief, fewer resources for alleviating the hardships. It brings all the other problems in the world into sharp relief, as our focus and energy is directed to covid-19 and like a distant mountain range the climate, poverty, the torture and suffering of millions in political and social strife, sustainability of environment and food supply, rise against the light and hope of tomorrow. How to reach out from the miasma of covid-19, and summon any strength to scale those peaks? 
   And the USA empire began to burn, the pandemic, the black lives matter movement and a psychopathic president wiping out forever, the status quo that was 2019.
   And then Beirut blew up and all its grain spilled like sand around the ruined silos. 

   But like a quiet voice in a raucous town hall meeting, the murmur of neighbour helping neighbour, the sound of one person speaking aloud to champion one person under siege, is sometimes audible, sometimes felt. Herein lies my hope and perhaps our salvation. 
