200511:5 rich


may 11

  today is the third day since the last grocery delivery, so i have unbagged and put away the the food. (tamar places our orders - we send her requests. she keeps us well-stocked.) but christmas was when i opened the fruit and vegetable packages; abundance of riches!: oranges, and grapes, luscious dark green romain and kale, tomatoes! and everything i need for a big pot of stew.
  how essential - of our essence - is physical sustenance. but before covid 19, didn't we often take meals for granted, eat and run, places to be? now with nowhere to be, we are reduced to (or expanded into) the basics of life. i have time, once a skinny-dime mental image, now a fat marshmallow ocean, to plan and simmer and season.
  k and i travelled in asia in 1983, and our days were simple, our belongings only what fit into our packs. we were nomads wandering, and began to see dinner as a major event, what to eat to stay alive until tomorrow (so to speak). we were fully present at our meals, as we enjoyed the new and beautiful foods each day brought. now pandemic prioritizing is bringing the essentials of life into focus. that's why i feel rich: because we will eat tonight from a bounty of fresh nutritious food and in marshmallow time, i immerse myself in the ritual of preparing our meal.
