200414 springsteen

april 14

"i'll wait for you; and if i should fall behind, wait for me."  [b. springsteen]

k and i are at home together for perhaps the first time since the year rain was born. But then we were raising a seven-year-old, her five-year-old sister and the baby. these covid days (day 35 today) we have time, every day, to talk: we used to book meetings - seriously. and much more often we are sharing and listening to music together. we have never had more than three or four artists in common until now, and have always maintained entirely separate music collections. for such a long-married pair we really have not spent a lot of time together. we've been separately busy with work and recreation, or together busy with the kids.
k and i have been together 40 years on july 1. we have known each other 41 years in september. we were both at a james cotton concert on campus, u of a, and in my memory, he and d. were coming up the stairs and in his memory, allen and i were coming up the stairs! (you wore blue).  we have been married for 38 years. i remember still how when i was little i thought my mother and father had never NOT been married. i was shocked to think there could have been a day when they weren't married and then one day later they suddenly were!* that's what our marriage feels like now, (well, i do remember that we were once NOT married! but), we have a similar bond. now that we are old, well, older, (and in the midst of a pandemic), the "til death do us in" part of our vows is more tangible.

* i found it similarly bizarre that my parents had ever not been grownups!


  1. in health is easy, in sickness not so much. I wonder: how many couples are feeling it, too?


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