200411 captain covid - day 33

200411 captain covid - day 33

ran a couple of errands today. put in an on-line order to rona the hardware people, because their website worked way better for me than the home depot one, and i had to go pick it up. you park in a “pick-up” spot and they bring out your order. i have been tipping these store delivery people $5, for themselves and 2 5s for their coworkers. the other place was loblaws. i feel so thankful for these workers who are putting themselves on the front-line for us: the nurses, doctors, shopkeepers, cashiers and servers, the people going to work because we need them!
after rona, i stopped at the cheese shop, (it was on the way) where they ask one family member only to come in and max 6 people inside. still i waited until there was a last customer just paying. then the corner store, for milk. each stop is a new pair of gloves and cleaning hands and door handle and debit card. then home to wait three days, unless we clean the items for immediate use.
i was shocked to see a person walking out of a coffee shop holding a cup in bare hands, presumably drinking out of it! and a line-up of cars ordering at the mcdonald’s take-away window. doesn’t that seem an unnecessary risk?
even the cheese shop was unnecessary, i suppose. but with glass partitions and gloves and rules, it seemed okay. i did not taste a sample when offered!
was rona important? you ask. yes! i have begun an exciting new project! more on that tomorrow.

it’s been such a long day. the errands are a big undertaking, with planning and logistics.
i also helped the children colour eggs for easter (tomorrow). they had a lovely time! after the eggs were done i suggested painting on paper with the colored water, and they loved that too! now that robin is four he can do these things, so he doesn’t lose interest and start mucking.
indre and i changed the big bed just before bedtime and i put away some blankets and sheets that were months waiting to go into the blanket box!
i seem to be busier now than when things were normal! daily living, with school, jobs, and usual errands like dry cleaners, used to get in the way of cleaning, tidying, sorting, putting away, exciting projects, and playing with children. now that we have the time, the day moves in bigger, slower waves and you have time to really do things.

now i shall take the dog out and, i think, go to bed.
keep safe.


  1. your last paragraph makes me think of old-fashioned homemaking, what it might have been like for large families in days past, always busy and yet slower, so that more work got done, and of more value


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